How AiSDR Saves Hours of Manual Work

Pio Scelina

October 11, 2024


 min read

"It takes around 2 minutes to execute the master prompt end to end. Before this, it took my sales team 4-6 hours to do the same amount of work manually and often I was less happy with the results. Revolutionary."

— Yuriy Zaremba, CEO @ AiSDR


Technology has enabled us to be more productive than ever - smaller teams now achieve better results than teams of 100s just few years ago. Efficiency is a mark of a well performing startup. Artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed various sectors, particularly the sales process, where personalization and human touch makes a big difference when converting leads into customers.

AiSDR, a company from Y Combinator’s Summer 2023 batch, exemplifies this transformation by automating the sales pipeline process, significantly reducing the time and effort required for lead management.

Who is AiSDR?

An image showing big deal flow through automated sales funnel

AiSDR (YC S23) builds automated sales pipelines, incorporating lead data from CRMs, social networks like LinkedIn, and various other sources to build a deep understanding of prospects, and engage them via text and email outreach.

It's an AI sales development representative that engages prospects using personalized messaging in your voice. It automates follow-ups and replies, ensuring quick responses, and boosts conversion rates by 78% through unique inbound responses. With a database of over 700 million leads, AiSDR enhances outbound outreach, manages cold emails, and nurtures leads through tailored marketing strategies. The platform integrates seamlessly with HubSpot, providing tools to track performance and optimize sales processes.

What AiSDR Does?

AiSDR does the work of a team of sales development representatives (SDRs) in sourcing the most promising prospects, automating manual tasks, and moving them to your sales rep to close, effectively automating the sales cycle and improving the customer experience.

What Problem Do They Solve?

An image showing a platform enabling sales prospecting

Sales teams have a problem: in even the best of cases, only a small portion of leads will turn into sales. Every product is not a fit for every customer, and narrowing the list of leads to those most likely to purchase consumes a lot of time. Startups pay this cost two-fold, as in the early stages of building a company, the ideal customer profile (ICP) is unknown. It’s often difficult, if not impossible, to know precisely what prospect and which deal is a good fit until far more time has been spent on the sales process and few sales calls have been taken.

AiSDR takes on this cost on companies’ behalf, automating the sales workflows of sorting through all the conversations and finding the best prospects for the sales team, saving time and enabling companies to converge on their ICP faster than otherwise possible and improving sales prospecting. This marketing automation and lead scoring help sales professionals focus on closing deals and increasing revenue.

Benefits of Sales Automation

An image showing 24/7 automated process of sales prospecting

The automation capabilities of AiSDR extend beyond mere efficiency - they are you SDR team for hire. It redefines how sales teams operate:

  • Time Savings: By automating repetitive tasks such as lead qualification and email drafting, AiSDR frees up valuable time for sales representatives to focus on high-impact activities like closing deals, not writing sales emails.
  • Personalization at Scale: AiSDR crafts hyper-personalized messages based on insights from LinkedIn activity and other data sources. This level of personalization ensures that communications resonate with prospects while maintaining efficiency and ensures the SDR will book meetings.
  • 24/7 Availability: Unlike human SDRs who have limited working hours, AiSDR operates around the clock, no matter the time zone. This means that prospects receive timely responses—often within minutes—enhancing the chances of conversion.

How AiSDR Works in Sales Process

An image showing use of generative AI as AI SDR

AiSDR functions as an independent (AI) SDR capable of handling multiple aspects of the sales process:

  • Lead Generation: Utilizing databases of leads, AiSDR identifies potential customers that align with your ICP.
  • Email Automation: The tool automates both inbound and outbound email communications, follow ups ensuring consistent engagement with prospects while tailoring messages based on their interactions and coherent with your brand voice.
  • Lead Qualification: By integrating with CRMs like HubSpot, AiSDR scores leads based on their intent and engagement levels. This optimizes the process in a way that only qualified leads are passed on to human sales teams, which optimizes team performance.
  • Nurturing Campaigns: For leads that require more attention or have gone cold, AiSDR can create personalized nurturing sequences that re-engage them effectively.

Real-World Impact on Sales Team

An image showing sales team in their job working using AI SDR software

AiSDR as well as other AI software have a substantial impact on sales professionals. They redefine how sales are done, by automating repetitive, manual sales workflows, sales prospecting, sending sales emails, automated follow ups and more meetings booked which converts to more revenue.

How using AiSDR can help businesses?

  • Cost Efficiency: Employing an AI SDR costs significantly less than hiring a full-time in-house SDR while delivering comparable—or even superior—results. You can automate most of the tasks and see the pre-vetted leads flowing into your deal pipeline.
  • Scalability: As business grows, so does its outreach needs. AiSDR allows companies to scale their lead generation efforts without being constrained by human resource limitations. You don't have to build extensive sales systems - you can focus on closing and profit.
  • Enhanced Conversion Rates: With tailored messaging and instant follow ups, businesses using AiSDR have reported increased conversion rates compared to traditional methods. Automated sales with customized sales emails for potential customers are the way to go.

Case Studies in Sales Processes

An image showing sales team using AI software to automate sales processes

Several companies have successfully integrated AiSDR into their operations:

  • Sequesto, a tech startup focused on cybersecurity solutions, reported significant improvements in their outbound efforts after utilizing AiSDR for cold outreach. They were able to expand their market reach in Asia and the Middle East more efficiently than if they had hired additional sales representatives.
  • AXDRAFT, a legal tech firm, praised AiSDR for its ability to craft personalized follow-up messages that resonate with potential clients’ needs while ensuring timely responses.

Ok, we love our clients, hence praise them a lot. Now, onto the problem AiSDR faced.

The Problem with Existing Tools for building AI automations

An image showing a person using easy vs hard AI orchestration software

Current tools for developing AI workflows vary widely in complexity. On one end of the spectrum are simple solutions like ChatGPT that require minimal technical expertise; on the other end are complex tools such as Langchain that demand extensive technical knowledge.

What Problem Did They Have?

An image showing a business person leading an AI SDR company

AiSDR operates in this challenging landscape by using complex prompts for various functions—crafting personas, researching prospects, drafting emails and texts—which traditionally would require weeks of AI engineer time.

Yuriy Zaremba aimed to enable himself and his team to create these AI apps independently, ideally within a single afternoon. This goal led AiSDR to partner with Wordware to use generative AI to improve their internal workflows and automate many instances of manual tasks.

Working with Wordware

An image showing people working together to find answer to a problem

AiSDR made heavy use of Wordware’s most advanced prompting features, leveraging structured generations, conditionals, loops, and many subflows to construct their AI stack on top of Wordware's platform.

By tapping into Wordware’s user-friendly tools, even non-technical staff can engage in creating and refining AI workflows. This democratization of technology allows teams to leverage powerful AI models like GPT-4o and Claude 3.5 Sonnet without needing deep technical expertise. This collaboration has helped AiSDR create more qualified leads, improve the lead qualification process and allowed sales reps to save time and focus on high-value activities.

Future of AI employees

As AI technology continues to evolve, so too will tools like AiSDR. The integration of more advanced machine learning algorithms will likely lead to even greater efficiencies and capabilities in lead management and conversion strategies. Businesses will benefit from continuous updates and improvements in AI models that enhance personalization and predictive analytics.

The future of AI employees, particularly in the context of automated solutions like AiSDR, presents a transformative landscape for workforce development. As businesses increasingly adopt AI technologies, the roles and responsibilities of human employees will evolve, necessitating a new approach to training and skill development. This evolution will not only enhance productivity but also redefine the nature of work itself, particularly for sales professionals.

The Rise of AI-Enhanced Roles

As AI tools like AiSDR automate routine tasks, sales professionals will transition into roles that require higher-level thinking and creativity. For instance, sales professionals will no longer spend hours on lead qualification or email drafting. Instead, they will focus on strategic decision-making and relationship-building with clients. This shift emphasizes the need for skills that complement AI capabilities—skills such as emotional intelligence, critical thinking, and creative problem-solving.

Collaboration Between Humans and AI

The future workplace will likely see a collaborative environment where humans and AI work side by side. Rather than viewing AI as a replacement, employees should see it as a partner that augments their capabilities and improve their performance. For example, sales representatives can use AiSDR to gather insights on prospects while applying their interpersonal skills to close deals. This synergy between human intuition and AI efficiency can lead to improved outcomes in various business processes.

Conclusion: Embracing the future together

An image showing futuristic software in sales sector

AiSDR represents a significant leap forward in sales automation technology. By saving hours of manual work through intelligent automation and personalization at scale, it empowers businesses to focus on what truly matters—building relationships with prospects and closing deals efficiently. As companies increasingly recognize the value of AI in optimizing their sales processes, tools like AiSDR will play an essential role in shaping the future landscape of sales development.

If you’re considering optimizing your sales process with cutting-edge technology like AiSDR for sales development or want insights into building your own AI stack using platforms like Wordware, now is the time to explore these innovative solutions that promise not just efficiency but also enhanced effectiveness in reaching your business goals.

With AiSDR, you can automate tasks, manage leads, and create a more efficient sales funnel that will help your business achieve greater profits and scale effectively.


AI is the foundation of the next generation of industry-leading companies. AiSDR is redefining the economics of sales, allowing any organization to use a team of one to handle only the final, most efficient parts of the sales process, all the while automating away all the research, email drafting, qualification, and message refinement required to arrive at the prospects most likely to benefit from the product or service.

If you're interested in optimizing your sales process with AiSDR, check them out here

If you'd like to see how they built their entire AI stack with Wordware, get started with a basic sales prompt here.