Top LLM Evaluation Metrics and Best Practices

Kamil Ruczynski

October 2, 2024


 min read

Evaluating large language models (LLMs) is essential for ensuring they work as intended. This article covers key metrics and best practices for effective LLMs evaluation. You’ll learn about different methods, the role of human judgment, and advanced techniques for assessing LLM performance.

Key Takeaways

  • LLM eval is essential for assessing model capabilities, ensuring ethical standards, and maintaining user trust through rigorous testing against performance, robustness, and bias metrics.
  • Key evaluation metrics such as perplexity, BLEU, F1 score, METEOR, and BERTScore serve distinct functions, yet human evaluation remains crucial for capturing nuances often missed by automated assessments.
  • An effective evaluation framework involves establishing relevant benchmarks, aligning metrics with real-world applications, and integrating both automated and human evaluation methods for continual improvement.
A warm, modern illustration depicting AI evaluation metrics with graphs, data points, and progress bars surrounding a glowing AI brain, all in cozy gold, orange, and red tones.

Understanding LLM Evaluation

Evaluating Large Language Models (LLMs) involves a detailed process of measuring their capabilities and limitations, ensuring they meet user expectations by identifying their strengths and weaknesses.

The evaluation encompasses various metrics designed to assess an LLM’s language processing capabilities and real-world effectiveness.

Definition of LLM Evaluation

LLM evaluation ensures that model outputs meet ethical, safety, and performance criteria. Key aspects include performance on tasks, generalization, robustness, bias, fairness, and ethics. Measuring task accuracy, overall behavior, biases, and alignment objectives provides a comprehensive understanding of a model’s capabilities.

Human evaluation is a critical element, often considered the gold standard for assessing LLMs.

Importance of Evaluating Large Language Models

Evaluating LLMs ensures they are reliable, accurate, and meet user needs. This process verifies that the LLM understands user inquiries accurately and provides appropriate responses, fundamental for maintaining user trust.

Realistic evaluation scenarios ensure LLMs can handle specific industry challenges effectively. Additionally, LLM evaluations help detect biases, enhancing user experience by tailoring models to better meet user needs.

Key LLM Evaluation Metrics

A lively and colorful illustration showing LLM evaluation metrics like BLEU, F1 score, METEOR, BERTScore, and perplexity represented by vibrant charts and graphs around a central AI brain, all in a warm, playful environment with natural lighting.

Various evaluation metrics, such as perplexity, BLEU score, F1 score, METEOR, and BERTScore, measure the performance, reliability, and effectiveness of LLMs, each serving a specific purpose in assessing different aspects of language model outputs.

However, limitations can arise when these metrics do not account for the novelty and diversity of generated responses. Effective benchmarking using datasets like HellaSwag and TruthfulQA plays a crucial role in evaluating LLMs.


Perplexity quantifies a language model’s ability to predict the next word in a sequence, indicating its accuracy. It is calculated based on the probability distribution of predicted words, reflecting how well the model anticipates subsequent terms in a sentence.

A lower perplexity score signifies better performance, indicating that the model predicts the next words more accurately.

An illustration showing the concept of accuracy, featuring a target symbol with arrows close to the center. Soft, muted shades of blue, gray, and beige create a calm, professional atmosphere, with subtle data points and performance metrics surrounding the target.

BLEU (Bilingual Evaluation Understudy) Score

The BLEU score measures text generation quality by evaluating n-gram overlap between generated and reference texts. Scores range from 0 to 1, with higher scores indicating a better match.

However, the BLEU score is not effective for evaluating creative or varied text outputs, as it primarily focuses on surface-level similarities.

F1 Score

The F1 score evaluates models in tasks where both precision and recall are critical, providing a balanced metric. Scores range from 0 to 1, with higher scores indicating better performance.

When evaluating models, it is important to consider the trade-offs between recall and precision to determine the best approach for specific applications.


METEOR is a metric used for evaluating the performance of language models by considering exact matches, synonyms, and paraphrases. By incorporating synonyms and paraphrases, METEOR aligns more closely with human judgment in evaluation.


BERTScore evaluates the similarity of generated text to reference text by focusing on the meaning rather than the surface form. It assesses the semantic similarity using contextual embeddings, capturing the nuances of language that other metrics might miss.

Human Evaluation in LLM Assessment

Human evaluation complements automated metrics to refine LLM outputs and ensure high-quality results. This assessment identifies subtleties and nuances that automated systems might overlook, enhancing overall performance and reliability.

An illustration of human evaluators sitting around a table, reviewing AI-generated outputs on laptops and screens. They are engaged in collaborative discussion, with papers, charts, and graphs on the table, symbolizing the evaluation process in a modern, well-lit workspace.

Role of Human Evaluators

Expert evaluators, with their specialized knowledge, are indispensable in assessing LLM outputs accurately. They identify subtleties in responses that automated systems may overlook, refining LLM outputs to meet specific standards and ensure high-quality results.

At Wordware, we believe that domain experts like lawyers and marketers should be the ones determining what good LLM output looks like, and they should be deeply involved in the process. That's why it's essential they have access to a platform where they can easily iterate on AI applications without needing to touch a codebase—just like the one we've built.

Methods of Human Evaluation

Various methods such as Likert scales, A/B testing, and expert reviews are implemented for human evaluation of LLM outputs. Likert scales use a rating system allowing evaluators to express their agreement or satisfaction with the output quality.

A/B testing involves comparing different versions of LLM outputs to assess which performs better based on human preference. Expert reviews involve professionals evaluating LLM outputs to ensure they meet specific standards and criteria.

LLM System Evaluations

A diagram showing the distinction between model evaluation, focused on accuracy and performance metrics, and system evaluation, emphasizing user experience, robustness, scalability, and integration, with arrows connecting the two to highlight their relationship.

LLM system evaluations differ from basic metric analysis by focusing on understanding the nuanced requirements of applications. These evaluations include algorithms, code, embeddings, and human feedback to comprehensively assess the LLM’s performance in real-world scenarios, using an llm evaluation metric and llm system evaluation.

Model vs. System Evaluation

Model evaluations focus on individual performance, while system evaluations assess how all components work together within LLM-based applications. Model evaluations examine standalone performance, whereas system evaluations consider all components, including prompts and context, to ensure optimal performance in real-world applications.

When to Use Each Type

Model evaluations are crucial during the initial development stages of LLM features to verify model’s performance standards before deployment. Offline evaluations are particularly beneficial during this phase.

Post-deployment, system evaluations ensure that the LLM functions correctly in a live environment, capturing real-world usage data to provide insights into user satisfaction and performance.

Advanced Evaluation Techniques

Advanced evaluation techniques emphasize the importance of contextual relevance in assessing the relationship between questions and reference texts. Utilizing tools like the Phoenix framework ensures evaluation systems are robust and contextually relevant.

 highly realistic scene of human evaluators using cutting-edge AI tools to analyze LLM outputs in a modern office with large windows showcasing San Francisco landmarks like the Golden Gate Bridge. The workspace has a sleek, professional design, with interactive holographic interfaces and monitors displaying data and complex metrics.

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

RAG improves evaluation by enhancing the contextual relevance of LLM responses, ensuring generated text is accurate and contextually appropriate.

AI Evaluating AI

LLM-assisted evaluation uses AI capabilities to assess the performance and outputs of other AI models, rapidly processing large datasets and discerning complex patterns that might be overlooked manually.

However, it is essential to be aware of potential biases that could skew the results, thus combining AI processing with human evaluation is suggested for a fair assessment.

Building an Effective LLM Eval Framework

 highly realistic scene of human evaluators using cutting-edge AI tools to analyze LLM outputs in a modern office with large windows showcasing San Francisco landmarks like the Golden Gate Bridge. The workspace has a sleek, professional design, with interactive holographic interfaces and monitors displaying data and complex metrics.

A standardized evaluation framework is crucial for LLMs, ensuring effectiveness, ethical alignment, and practical needs. A structured approach enhances accuracy and comprehensiveness in evaluating these systems.

Custom evaluations ensure that model training meets customer needs and mirror real tasks.

Establishing Benchmarks

Establishing a benchmark in AI evaluation ensures that results align with human-labeled evaluation datasets. This involves defining a metric that aligns with the specific application’s needs and using a diverse set of test cases to enhance robustness.

Regular updates to benchmarks are essential to maintain their relevance in LLM evaluations.

Selecting Appropriate Metrics

Evaluation metrics must align directly with the specific goals of the LLM application. Aligning metrics with real-world needs ensures they remain relevant and effective, helping identify and resolve issues early in development.

Practical Applications of LLM Evaluation

Evaluating LLMs has practical implications that enhance conversational abilities, generate original content, increase productivity, and transform business operations. Applications include personal recommendations, data translation, and information summarization.

Continuous evaluation in LLM applications involves identifying unsatisfactory outputs and marking them for reproducibility, thereby confirming effectiveness, user satisfaction, and adaptability.

Customer Support Use Case

In customer support, LLM evaluations help measure performance and identify areas for improvement, ensuring efficient user interactions. Key metrics for evaluating dialogue systems include engagement levels and task completion rates, crucial for assessing customer support interactions.

To evaluate an LLM’s performance in customer support, run simulations with actual customer questions and analyze the accuracy, clarity, and helpfulness of the responses.

Continuous Improvement Cycles

The relevance of responses is a key factor that influences how well LLMs perform in consumer-facing applications. Coherent and engaging interactions are essential for refining LLM outputs, ensuring models meet user needs effectively.

Continuous improvement cycles in LLM evaluation enhance model performance and user satisfaction, leading to better alignment with user expectations and fostering trust.

Common Challenges in Evaluation

Evaluating LLMs involves assessing their outputs against specified ethical and performance standards, which can be challenging. Common challenges include complexities, risks of overfitting, and susceptibility to adversarial attacks. Additionally, subjectivity, bias, cost, and variability in opinions can complicate human evaluations.

Getting feedback on even a small percentage of inputs/outputs is difficult during LLM evaluations.

An illustration of human evaluators facing the challenges of LLM evaluation, with tangled data streams, overlapping charts, and complex metrics like accuracy, fairness, and bias. Evaluators are depicted with confused expressions and question marks, highlighting the complexity of the evaluation process.

Training Data Overlap

Overfitting due to training data overlap can skew the evaluation of LLM performance, leading to inflated performance assessments. This issue often arises from similarities in the training data, making it appear as though the model performs better than it actually does. The risk associated with training data overlap includes inflated performance metrics, which may not reflect true capabilities.

Adversarial Attacks

LLMs are particularly susceptible to adversarial attacks, which involve inputs crafted to exploit model weaknesses. These attacks can significantly undermine the reliability of LLM outputs, necessitating robust evaluation methods to identify and mitigate such vulnerabilities.

Strategies like red teaming are employed to identify vulnerabilities in LLMs and develop protective measures.

Best Practices for LLM Evals

Best practices for LLM evaluation involve integrating human and automated methods, ensuring iterative testing, and refining processes to find the best solutions. Specific usage and engagement metrics are used for direct impact analysis of LLM features.

Combining automated and human evaluations provides a comprehensive understanding of LLM performance.

Iterative Testing and Refinement

Many teams use multiple iterations to find the best solution for their specific use cases. This iterative process across different models and inputs significantly speeds up evaluation and enhances the quality of the final AI solution.

This approach ensures that LLMs are continually improved and aligned with user expectations.

However, iterations within the codebase can be a frustrating experience for non-technical teams, often taking hours to make even minor changes to prompts. In fact, getting good output from LLMs is one of the reasons platforms like Wordware exist—to make this process fast and easy for domain experts while freeing up engineers from manually updating prompts in the codebase.

We provide access to all major models, simplify the creation of prompt chains, and offer various prompt engineering techniques like Chain of Thought and ReAct, all thanks to the set of functions built into our platform.

Combining Automated and Human Evaluations

Combining automated and human evaluation methods provides a more comprehensive understanding of LLM performance. Automated metrics offer efficiency and scalability, while human evaluations capture subtleties and nuances that machines might miss.

This combination ensures a balanced and robust eval process.


Evaluating LLMs is a multifaceted process involving various metrics and methods to ensure their reliability, accuracy, and effectiveness. From understanding the definition and importance of LLM evaluation to exploring key metrics like perplexity, BLEU score, F1 score, METEOR, and BERTScore, we have delved into the essential components of LLM assessment. Human evaluation plays a pivotal role, complementing automated methods to refine model outputs and ensure high-quality results.

Advanced evaluation techniques like RAG and AI Evaluating AI further enhance the assessment process. Building an effective evaluation framework involves establishing benchmarks and selecting appropriate metrics aligned with specific goals. Practical applications of evaluation in customer support and continuous improvement cycles underscore its significance. Despite common challenges like training data overlap and adversarial attacks, best practices involving iterative testing and combining automated and human evaluations provide a robust approach to LLM assessment. By implementing these insights, you can ensure that your LLMs meet user expectations and deliver exceptional performance.

Whatever LLM evaluation metric you aim to track or improve for your LLM application, and regardless of the evaluation tools you choose, it's crucial to keep a human in the loop. Doing so greatly accelerates both development and deployment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to evaluate LLMs?

Evaluating LLMs is essential to confirm their reliability and accuracy while aligning with user needs and ethical standards. This evaluation process identifies strengths and weaknesses, ensuring safety and optimal performance.

What are some common metrics used in LLM evaluation?

Common metrics used in LLM evaluation are perplexity, BLEU score, F1 score, METEOR, and BERTScore, each evaluating distinct aspects of the outputs. Utilizing these metrics enables a thorough assessment of the model's performance.

How does human evaluation complement automated metrics?

Human evaluation enhances automated metrics by addressing nuances and subtleties that automated systems may overlook, thereby ensuring a more comprehensive understanding of performance. This dual approach ultimately leads to higher quality results.

What are some advanced evaluation techniques for LLMs?

Advanced evaluation techniques for LLMs include Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and AI Evaluating AI, which enhance contextual relevance and utilize AI for assessing the performance of other models. These methods significantly improve the evaluation process.

What are the common challenges in LLM evaluation?

Common challenges in LLM evaluation include overfitting from training data overlap, vulnerability to adversarial attacks, and the intricacies of human evaluation. To effectively address these issues, it is essential to implement robust evaluation methods and best practices.